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True health starts with knowledge.

Because  excellence, fun, honesty and inclusion are our benchmarks for everything that matters in life.  “You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation” - Plato


Because we value our Northeastern Ontario region and the lifestyle the Boreal Forest offers. The north is generous in spirit, abundant with an unspoken heritage, unwritten food culture and filled with vast areas of wilderness which are open and free to explore (for both health benefits and flavour profiles).  Food is love and there are infinite ways to express that love, develop relationships and connect to community.  

Because we know eating high quality, hyper-local, organic, seasonally and sustainably is the most responsible way forward in broken food and health systems.

“Eat dirt, not too much, mainly with plants, preferably some of them fermented.”

Boreal Food Studio, Vision Statement

Breaking up with fast food culture.



Helping people navigate their ‘new normal’ after breaking up with fast food culture.


Because we strongly believe that food does not hold the power to be good nor bad and therefore must not be labeled as such. Choices either serve to further goals and values or, choices undermine and sabotage our needs.


Food is a potential tool which may help or hinder lifestyle/culture. What we choose to do with that tool, or how we choose to use the energy of our food choices, will differentiate between empowerment and victimization. 


Why local
food matters 


Because we are certain there is a direct connection between air, soil, water and the health of our gut biome.


In these environments there are chemicals that don’t belong and nutrients that are missing, genes that are turned on and genes that are turned off, microbes and fungi that are overabundant and colonies that are in decline or destroyed.



“The social lesson of soil waste is that no man has the right to destroy soil -even if he owns it”

- Henry Wallace  

If my intention is to be a good ancestor, walking in this life with my work truly being an offering in service, what eco-cultural identity do I need to unearth?
-Kelleigh Wright
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