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Our Kitchen


I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think. - Socrates


We are here to make you think, think about your relationship to food, to family, to the local community, to the larger community, to the ecosystem around you and inside you.  We are here to support you in the process of breaking up with fast food culture.


Food touches everybody.  It is exciting to see the power in the common link even if there isn’t common agreement.  Food creates a platform for all voices to be heard and a place where issues are addressed with respect and understanding.


The truth will set you free - but first, it will piss you off.  - Gloria Steinem


The road to understanding our food culture in the North, begins by digging into our family roots, local history, and examining our own senses/preferences.


Boreal Food Studio is a place without judgement and criticism for the purpose of exploring and learning new possibilities. Dealing with health issues like cancer, autoimmune disease, or food allergies/intolerances?  Have your children suddenly turned vegan and you are at a loss on where to begin?  What does it mean to eat local, hyper-local, organic & seasonal, non-GMO and glyphosate free?  What are the benefits of foraging and gleaning?  How does fermentation/preservation contribute to overall health? How do I find all of these new foods?  What will basic butchering and knife skills empower you to accomplish on your own? Why should we be growing food and not lawns?  How can I connect with others who are also interested in expanding their skill base? 


What are YOU really hungry for??

A safe place to play, experiment and try something new?

A safe place to examine areas of health, transformation, the deep impacts of fast food culture?

A safe space to gain confidence in order to easily step into and embrace change?


Work With Me


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