“Ain’t nobody got time for that!”
You want an immediate, tangible difference in your break-up with fast food culture. You still want fast, easy and cheap. You know big changes are not on this week’s (or even this month’s) ‘to-do’ list BUT in this place of overwhelm, you still want a better lifestyle.
Start here:
Eat food that doesn’t come with labels. Yeah, that means hanging out more often in the produce isle. Fruit and vegetables are nature’s equivalent to drive-throughs...fast and easy. You won’t find cheap. Good food should be affordable but should never be cheap.
Read the labels on your packaged food - out loud. Can you pronounce everything on the label? Can you find the same ingredients on the labels in your supermarket - what isle? It isn’t hard and it doesn’t cost anything to become aware of what you and your family are ingesting.
Who are the farmers in your neighbourhood, city and region? Who do you know that grows stuff in their yards? on their patios? on rooftops? Befriend these agricultural influencers on their social media platforms. Follow what they are up to. Learn about why they do what they do.
Change involves risk. We hesitate because we think we must continually do it perfectly and/or it must be done consistently and we don’t give ourselves permission to not love the process. It is a process. It is often messy and continually imperfect.... a mirror to the rest of our lives.
When you are ready to break up with fast food culture and reconnect with yourself, with your food, with your community and with nature consider doing the 28 Day Guided Nutrition Challenge.