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What's the Deal?

Writer's picture: Kelleigh WrightKelleigh Wright

This post is the quickest way to find out if the 28 Day Guided Nutrition Challenge is a good fit for you. At the end of the post (or sooner) you will be able to know for yourself : if this is the right program with the right solution, at the right time, for the right reasons, at the right price.

Is this the right program? You want fast cheap and easy?

  • This program is work. I’m not kidding. It isn’t fast. At the bare minimum, you will need to invest 30 minutes of effort a day. And, by effort I mean doing things like: reading e-books, emails, food labels; writing responses, journaling and grocery lists; watching videos and movies; creating, putting together and submitting weekly projects (7 in total), participating in group discussions, food prep, pantry organization, reorganizing aspects of your regular routine that all lead to the support and implementation of your defined lifestyle goals.

  • This program isn’t cheap. I don’t consider $349 an inexpensive purchase for a month long program, when most other challenges are free.

  • The 28 Day GNC isn’t easy. It is fairly intense and it was intentionally designed that way. It will kick your ass. Discomfort drives change and creates shifts in both thought and behaviour. In the midst of your full life, there are multiple project submissions that are expected to be met on time.

Does this program have the right solution for your pain point? You want to drop a ton of weight before the holiday season gets rolling or cement new habits?

  • Weight loss isn’t the goal of the 28 Day GNC. It can however, be part of your goal set going forward. The focus of this challenge is to establish connections with ourselves, our food, our community and with nature for optimal body, mind and soul nutrition - which leads to an ideal weight as a lifestyle goal.

  • Developing a new habit depends on a few things: the level of difficulty/complexity, the frequency it is repeated, how disruptive it is to existing routines, and how much satisfaction we get out of doing it. According to available research, simple changes take a minimum of 21 days (3 weeks) more complex changes can take 254 days (8.5 months) with 66 days being the average amount of time to form a new habit. The 28 Day GNC is about kick starting this process with simple changes.

Is this the right time for you to take on the 28 Day Guided Nutrition Challenge?

  • If you wear the badge of ‘busy’ with pride and it is part of your identity - this isn’t going to be a good fit for you. I am being serious. Trust me on this. It will end early and in tears. It will trigger every anxiety button you own. Don’t do it.

  • If you still readily blame and criticize everyone else in your circle of influence for the lifestyle choices you make on a daily/weekly basis then pass the 28 Day GNC over. Participants of this program need to be willing to own their shit.

  • If you can’t visualize making the challenge one of your top priorities for the month of November, then consider waiting until 2018.

Are you signing up for the 28 Day GNC for the right reasons?

  • You value personal growth and empowerment. You get excited when you have ‘lightbulb moments’ and want to share what you just learned - without the worry of being ridiculed or misunderstood. If you can’t see yourself connecting and contributing to/with other program participants in a positive and supportive way, then this isn’t the right program for you.

  • You want better habits and new routines that work for your chosen lifestyle but want some support and guidance as you figure out and prioritize the necessary pieces to get you to your goals. If you don’t see yourself investing the time and energy needed to get organized prior, during and after the 28 Day GNC, then this program isn’t going to be a good fit.

  • You want current evidence based/peer reviewed research because the sheer volume and often conflicting reports of what is and isn’t healthy is a serious time suck and leaves you feeling overwhelmed and frustrated. If science based research is in conflict with your personal values and decision making framework then this program won’t be a good fit for you.

  • You want the organizational framework and legwork done because you are feeling paralyzed not only on where and how to begin but also on how to finish after the challenge has been completed when the holiday season is starting.

  • You want to change how you plan, shop, store, prepare, and cook your food for the best possible nutrient dense outcomes. If the vast majority of your food comes out of a box or a from a drive through and you don’t see a change in your future, then this isn’t the right program for you.

Is the 28 Day Guided Nutrition the right price?

All I can say on this topic is: price for anything is subjective.

The price was set at $349 to secure a serious commitment to engage with the rest of the GNC community, and to ensure that participants do the work that is being requested of them and actually finish the entire program. I want people to feel connected, accountable and accomplished at the end of the 28 Day GNC. To be fully honest and transparent - I also need a living wage. It isn’t an automated online program and requires a considerable amount of my time to manage and participate in.

So if any of this resonates with you and you want to take the next step, here are the calls to action:

Still have more questions for me?

email Kelleigh at or click here

Want to join the wait list for the 28 Day Guided Nutrition Challenge starting November 4th 2017? Click here

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